Thursday, June 22, 2006

Plastic Surgeon. Brow Lift

A brow lift is wonderful for treating a tired upper face. It can help eliminate droopy eyebrows, forehead lines, and frown lines that come with age. Sometimes a brown lift is combined with a face lift to help eliminate age.

How Is It Done?

Incisions are usually made in the hairline; the cut will extend from ear to ear.
How Long Is The Operation
A brow lift is performed under general anesthesia or under 4 sedation and takes anywhere from two to three hours to be completed. The doctor will close the incision in layers with a deeper subcuticular stitch,which is absorbed by the body, followed by either staples or sutures. Surgeons often opt for staples because they swell along with the tissue, inhibiting any injury to the fine hair follicles of the scalp, thus preventing hair loss along the incision.
After Surgery

After surgery, you'll be dressed in head wrap, which you'll also wear home. The day after surgery, hair washing is allowed. There'll be swelling in the eye area, so ice compresses will be useful. Its important to keep the head elevated during recovery. The skin in front of the incision will be a little numb. Most patients are able to return to work within one to two weeks.
Possible Complications
Bleeding and infections are rare after brow lift surgery. Sometimes temporary hair loss can occur near incisions but this disappears after four to six months.

Plastic Surgeon. Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is the name of the plastic surgery procedure that corrects aging eyelids. This surgery helps a person look alert and rejuventated. Most patients need an upper and lower procedure. The surgery is often covered by insurance if the upper eye lids droop so much that they obscure vision. The price range for surgery is $3000 to $4000.

Types of Surgery
Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

Upper lid blepharoplasty is performed in a doctor's office or hospital setting and takes around an hour. The excess skin is cut off and fat pockets are removed. The sutures that are placed in must remain for four or five days. You'll need to take at least a week off.
Lower Lid Blepharoplasty
During this operation, excess fat is removed via a cut just below the eyelashes. Excess skin and muscle is redraped. Depending on the location of the incisions Crow's feet can be touched up with a laser or a chemical peel. After surgery, your eyes will be puffy for two weeks. For a few months after,you may need eye drops due to dry eyes.
After Surgery
After surgery, you'll need to keep your head elevated for the next forty eight hours. Rest is very important during this time. Some of patients enjoy putting four by four inch gauze pds on their eyes. Small balloons filled with peas work too.

Plastic Surgeon.Chin and Cheek Implants

What can be done for a chin that is too small? A Silastic chin implant is inserted through a small incision inside the mouth or though an incision just under the chin in the small crease that most of us have. Recovery is relatively easy.
What can be done for a chin that is too large? The jawbone can be trimmed through small incisions just inside the lower lip and just underneath the chin. Prior to surgery, the doctor will evaluate your photographs, X-rays of your teeth, and how your teeth fit together.
There is a new surgery available that creates a square jaw. It is used on patients who have a long face and need width in the lower portion.
Cheek implants are one of the most popular surgeries in Hollywood, because they make the face appear more youthful and less tired. The cheek implant is placed through an incision just inside the mouth. This creates a partial face lift, which makes the patient look younger.


The operation is performed general anesthesia or 4 sedation. The surgeon will make small incisions inside the mouth near the cheek. Before the operation, he or she will mark your skin with the positioning of the implant. Once the perfect pocket has been developed, the surgeon will place the the implant in the cheek area.
After Surgery
Its important to remain on liquids and soft foods for two to three weeks after the procedure. Also, most surgeons ask that any dental work be postponed for six months after the placement of any facial implant. In addition if any dental work is performed prophylactic antibiotics must be taken before and after surgery.
Expect to have some persistent swelling for about two to three months; major swelling goes away after a few weeks. Also, expect your lip to be numb. Everywhere, you'll be happy with the results.
Possible Complications
One of the main complications following this operation is infection, If an implant is suspected of being infected, the cheek is tapped to see if the fluid can be expressed. The fluid is then drawn off with a needle and syringe.

Plastic Surgeon. Liposuction

Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world. The procedure has evolved to include liposculpture and ultrasonic liposculpture. Ultrasonic liposculpture is a technique in which a metal probe is inserted through an incision in the skin into the depths of the fatty compartments of the body. The probe is moved back and forth in different directions. Next, the fat is removed using the routine liposuction technique. Unfortunately, the use the the ultrasound machine increases the length of the incision because of the size of the probe that is inserted.

Are You A Good Candidate?
The best candidate is someone under 40 'cause their skin has better elasticity. The surgery can also be performed on old patients, but the best results are obtained in patients under the age of 40.
Liposuction isn't a cure for obesity nor is it a tool to get rid of cellulite. Liposuction is a great way to lose those last fifteen pounds that seem resistant to diet and exercise.
Where Should You Get Liposuction

Liposuction works best on neck, face, breasts, arms, chest, abdomen, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles.
Facial liposuction works well for those who are young and have little excess skin. Incisions are made behind each ear; the surgery takes around one hour and can be performed under light IV sedation or general anesthesia. Sutures remain in place for a week or so and are then removed. After removal a compression garment is worn round the clock and later is only worn at night for a month.
Arm liposuction is helpful for people who have rolls of fat on their arms. Two to four small incisions are made, afterwards expect to be black and blue for two to 3 weeks afterward. You will have to wear a compression garment on your arms for a month.

Plastic Surgeon. Breast Augmentation.

Breast augmentation is one of the most frequently requested surgeries. Implants are inserted behind the breast tissue of each breast or behind the pectoralis major muscle thereby increasing the size of the breast. Silicone implants are made of thick material and filled with either saline or an antibiotic solution during the operation.

About Breast Augmentation Surgery
Inserting The Implant
Implants can be inserted in a number of ways. Typically, the surgeon goes in just underneath the fold of the breast. Other options are cutting in through the darker part of the nipple or inserting the implant in the underarm or axilla area. To avoid scars, some surgeons place breast implants through the belly button using a special endoscope.
Types of Implants
Saline implants are considered 'safer' than silicone implants due to the connection silicone has to autoimmune diseases. If a saline implant ruptures, your body will absorb the saline fluid. Also, with saline implants, the patient may feel 'rippling' on the side of the implant. If the implant is just under breast tissue, 'rippling' may be visible. Some of the 'rippling' may be eliminated by overfilling the implant by ten percent. Another complaint about saline is that it doesn't feel more like breast tissue unlike silicone. One benefit of saline implants is less incidence of capsulary contracture, scarring around the implant.
If a silicone implant rupture, the body will not absorb the silicone. Indeed, leaked silicone has been found in the local and distant lymph nodes. As mentioned previously, it does feel more like breast tissue and has an increased incidence of capsular-scarring contracture.
Every operation has risk. The three most prominent are bleeding, infection, and scarring related to the scarring around the implant. In addition, for breast augmentation patients there is the chance that the implant will interfere with with breast cancer detection during mammography. It can hide suspicious-looking patches of tissue in the breast, making it difficult to interpret results. In addition, some women are not able to breast feed after getting implants.
Every augmentation patient will have a foreign body reaction to the implant. The degree to which this occurs depends on your own individual response and how you heal. Sometimes so much scar tissue will develop that the implants will harden. A classification system called Baker's Class 1, 2, 3, and 4 is used to classify the severity of the reaction.
Baker's Class I shows no scar contracture. Class 2 and Class 3 are differing degree of scar contracture. Class IV results in significant, painful, noticeable contraction. Contraction can tempered by improving the placement of the implant under the muscle or switching over to saline implants. When the implant is removed or scar tissue removed, it is only necessary to use the same incision. Textured wall implants tend to decrease the amount of capsulary contracture around the implant because it disorients the collagen bundles.
Ruptured Implants
A breast implants can rupture through wear and tear or from a hard blow to the chest. If it is saline, the breast implant will go flat as a pancake, and the leaked saline from the implant will be absorbed by the body instead of being treated as a foreign material, because salt water is naturally present in the body). However, some patients develop a fever and a rash with the rupture of a saline implant. With silicone implants, ruptures are harder to detect. The breast may lose its overal shape or have a distortion or an irregular contour.
Recovery from breast augmentation initially takes four days. Complete recovery time is four to six weeks. Overall, the risk factor is minimal if the patient is in good health. Pain is moderate and most patients are uncomfortable for the first four days. Surgeon fees for augmentation range from $3,000 to $4,000. Saline breast implants cost anywhere from $950 to $1,300 and silicone breast implants usually cost about $1,800. Patients also have to pay for anesthesia fees and the use of the operating room.

Plastic Surgeon. Rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is considered to be one of the most gratifying plastic surgeries to receive, because the patient often will find their entire facial aesthetic modified.

The night before surgery, do not eat or drink after midnight. Arrive early, because you may have to give blood for lab analysis or have to complete extra paperwork.
The whole operation takes anywhere from two to four hours, depending on the complexity. It can be performed under local anesthesia, with IV sedation or under general anesthesia.Before any incision is made, the nose is numbed with local anesthesia (usually lidocaine or marcaine with epinephrine). In addition, a combination of cocaine and/or epinephrine, because it helps to shrink the mucous membranes and control bleeding.
Throughtout the operation, the surgeon will frequently check the patient's profile, the symmetry of the tip, and the improvement after each small change is made. Even small changes consisting of one to two and up to four millimeters can make big changes in the overall appearance of the nose.
At the end of the surgery, the doctor will check the size of the nostril.If the nostril base is wide, they will be made smaller. Finally, the nose is packed and kept that way for seven to ten days. Pain medicine and antibiotics are prescribed.
After Surgery
After operation, you'll need to keep your head elevated for the next forty eight to seventy two hours to prevent swelling. You'll feel like you have a bad cold with heaviness between the eyes and a headache (it can be relieved with pain medication). There will be bruising around the eyes for seven to ten days.
After surgery, do not bump your nose. Keep partners, children, or pets at an arm's length. Stay out the sun and avoid high intensity activties (exercise, sex, etc) for three to four weeks.
Possible Complications
Complications following rhinoplasty are rare. Patients should stay on antibiotics after surgery to prevent the onset of infection. Prior to surgery you'll be asked not to consume any aspirin products, they cause excessive bleeding. Sometimes revisions are needed;bony tissues or little bumps have to be refined. Usually, this can be done under local anesthesia in an office setting.